Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Brief, Intimate and Hopefully Humorous Look Inside the Mind of a Compulsive, Fearful Flyer

Before I start I would like to acknowledge that I am well aware of how safe air travel is. That's part of why I'm able to get on the plane in the first place!

This brief and somewhat intimate look into the mind (my mind) of a compulsive, fearful flyer all started when I got an email from my mom. The email came after a fantastic previous night’s phone call and before a very early flight home from Montgomery, Alabama. To put it all in perspective I have copied the email from my mom and pasted it here before the actual blog (which was my response to my mother’s email). Since the email is what drove this writing and the beginning and end of the blog reference it, I thought it would be good for you to see it, specifically the ending of the email.

From Mom


This looks like a good place to start. It says it's free so check it out. Thank you for the most wonderful 2 hours tonight. You are an amazing wonderful man and sometimes I am overwhelmed by how much I love you and how smart you are and how funny you are. Have a great flight home. I know God will take care of you as he always has.

Love mom

I forgot to reply to this email. I wanted to make sure I did because I read it before my very early flight that next morning.

In my 12 or so years of traveling, flying has always been nerve racking for me. Truth be told, it's always been more of a continuous, overwhelming, God please just knock me out until I'm where I need to be kind of adventure. Flights for me go like this. I get super nervous, go through my routines (some of which are described in detail below) and shortly after takeoff I fall asleep. Lots of times I wake up and things go well. Sometimes I wake up and well...let's just say, the flight continues.

Obviously there are conditions that affect this. Length of flight, amount of turbulence and whether or not the pilot talks to us (which is strictly a compulsive type fear of mine because it lets me know someone is there, flying the plane).

Speaking of compulsions, I do have a few when it comes to flying. Get as little sleep possible the day or night before the flight, walk the gate terminal, watch some planes take off, sit in the same area on the plane (preferably the aisle). Then once I'm settled in. I pray. Probably the best prayers I've ever lifted up come before flying. Then as the pilot makes the engines roar I kiss my fist and say "it's in your hands father" and I point to the sky and that's when I start singing a worship song. Short and sweet. I sing it in a whisper. One little song over and over. "I love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship you, oh my soul, rejoice, take joy my King, in what you hear, let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear"

I hear the bings that announce we are at 10,000 feet, lay my seat back, turn on a song (it's the same one on repeat every flight until I wake up. Civil Wars - The Violet Hour) and then I wait for the pilot to let us know things are good and it's off to sleep. Now Obviously I'm not a fan of flying. If I can choose not to I would. My work required me to do it so I did it. Maybe that makes me oddly weird or maybe it shows good will power and fortitude. Not sure and to be honest I would be good with either. The other reason is a compulsive control type thing and there's really no time or need to get into that right now. Although, we could've possibly gone there already! The final reason for all of this craziness going on in my head is because I want to make it home. See my family again.

As I sat waiting for my flight, which I knew was going to be my last flight in a while (so my compulsive worries were kicking in); I read your email and the final sentence. I felt a peaceful reassurance and said thank you Lord and thank you mom and then had an incredible relaxed, calm, restful flight home. The flight itself probably wasn't going to be any different whether you sent that email or not. But I can assure you I would have been. Thank you!


When departing the plane I always say "thank you up front" while passing the cockpit.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pay it Forward or Don't....It's Your Choice

As I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed I came across the story of a Starbucks in Florida that had a pay it forward chain going on in their drive thru. The stories headline was "Who is Customer 379...". The reason for this headline is that customer 379 broke the pay it forward chain by declining to pay for the coffee of the person behind her in the drive thru. The barista said he didn't think the lady understood the concept of pay it forward. Which was not at all the case. She just simply declined to pay it forward. Why this story made the news in the first place is beyond me. However, it did and it led me to think that this is a perfect demonstration of what's wrong with the world today and no I am not referring to the women who broke the chain. I'm referring to the barista, the news and anyone else who thinks this person who stopped the chain is in the wrong and won't accept the fact that she made a choice that was hers to make. She didn't hurt anyone by making this choice (which is a very important thing to remember). The person behind her still got their coffee and can start the pay it forward chain all over if they wish to do so. That is their choice to make as well. It shouldn't matter that she declined to pay it forward. We live in America. We have the freedom of choice. Unfortunately when people use that power of choice to go against the grain they are ridiculed, put in the news for public consumption and told how bad they are because they didn't follow the majority. This is unfortunate. Who are the real bullies?! The real bullies are anyone and everyone who thinks everyone else should agree with them or do what ever they say should be done, or think that because you believe or think differently then they do, you are bad or wrong. Sorry bullies but you're clearly not living in reality. Reality is diversity and diversity promotes the acceptance of differences not the acceptance of similarities or the acceptance of thinking and believing the same way as everyone else. Sameness is boring. Diversity is exciting. It's WRONG to be mean or to ostracize or to ridicule people who don't think like you do or don't believe what you believe. It doesn't matter what side of whatever issue you're on and it doesn't matter what your belief system is. Forcing people to think or believe the same way you do or ridiculing people who don't agree with you is wrong. Republican or Democrat, man or women, gay or straight, vegetarian or meat eater, animal activist or hunter and so on and so on. It is RIGHT to accept the fact that people have differences, to be tolerant of others who are not like you, to accept that others think or believe differently then you and to love everyone even if you don't agree with them. If you can't get over the fact that everyone doesn't think, believe or act like you...that's your problem. Not theirs. The world would be a much better place if everyone just realized and accepted the fact that there will never be a time when everyone agrees. Promoting your message, whatever it may be is good. We all want a voice at some point. What's wrong is that in today's world those messages are promoted with hate instead of love. Whatever that message may be and this is truly unfortunate. Remember that you have a choice. You get to choose love or hate, diversity or sameness, acceptance or rejection. You have the power. Choose wisely and be the change you are looking for. #onelove

Monday, May 21, 2012

Karl & Darcey's beginning (how we met)

Authored by Karl Saxton & Darcey Miller

Little did I know that a slight change of plans would change my life in a dramatically positive way. I had known about my work trip to Orlando for over a month. The arrangements had been made and I was prepared to fly out on a Monday and home on a Saturday. I had contacted the facilitator I would be working with and checked my class schedule to ensure the dates were correct.  Class was scheduled to begin on a Wednesday and end on Friday. I would then embark on my trip home the next morning. The official dates of the trip were Monday June 6 through Saturday June 11.

I needed to take a trip 'home'. I had started to feel too much like a city girl and I needed to get out, take a hike, be by the ocean, be in the mountains and just enjoy nature. It must have been sometime in October or November of 2010. I was sitting around on a cold & snowy day. I decided to get a hold of my aunt, pull up my dad's airline miles and book my vacation back to Juneau. I knew that I wanted the trip to be a good one, one that was a longer stay. So I booked it for June 10th - 17th. A bit later, I realized that only gave me one weekend there. So I changed it to the 21st. Because of that, the changes caused me to have to readjust flights, or rather I made the agent do that and my flight on the 10th had times changed.  One thing about flying on miles...is that there are always tons of stops, ones that are so far out of the way and huge layovers. On the plane and in airports all day long. Now I am thankful, for those out of the way airports (Dallas) and the layovers (3 hours there)....

All seemed to be in order in the days leading up to the trip until the Friday before my departure date. I received an email from the facilitator I would be working with that the class dates we had been given were incorrect. The correct dates for the class were Tuesday through Thursday and not Wednesday through Friday as originally thought. On Monday June 6, I departed for Florida with every intention of staying until Saturday the 11.  Tuesday the first day of class I begin contemplate leaving on Friday instead of Saturday. If it was cost effective.  I sent an email to the boss, did some calculations myself and together we determined that it would cost basically the same to keep me there through Saturday as it would to change my flight and fly me home on Friday. It was Wednesday afternoon once this information was finalized and the plan to fly me home Friday was set in stone. Finally, somewhere between 10pm and 12am Wednesday night I called the travel service I work with and made the changes to my flight. I would depart Orlando for Phoenix between 6-630am Friday morning with a 2 1/2 hour lay over in Dallas.

To be honest, I don't remember much of the flight to Dallas.  Once I landed in Dallas, I think that I got something to eat.  I remember it being sort of uncomfortable, never in my life have I ever really ate alone.  I ate part of it, didn't finish my drink, paid my check and left. I started to feel edgy. That is when I knew I needed to get some fresh air. Checked my ticket and found my way to where my next flight would be. After that, of course checked the security line, and then headed for the nearest place to exit so I could get outside and enjoy the morning air before I had to board. I knew I had plenty of time, remember, 3 hours.

From what I recall I arrived in Dallas around 8 o'clock and would depart around 1030am. After arriving I proceeded to the nearest restroom,  cleaned up and did what I normally do in Dallas when I have a long layover. I walked in one direction looking for a place to have breakfast then walked in another direction until something sounded good.  I passed a TGIFridays on my walk, read their breakfast selection and had a seat at the bar. Breakfast was served, ate, and enjoyed. I still had over an hour until my plane was to board so I decided to head outside for some fresh air.

It was nice out in Dallas, there was a bench that was to the left of the exit doors, but it was being occupied. I walked behind it and found a nice spot, that was in the sun, along a small concrete ledge that I could sit on. After a bit I started to get way too warm and hoped the couple would leave the bench ASAP, to my luck, they did. When I first sat on the ledge I was alone, somewhere a bit after that a guy sat down a little further from me. He caught my eye, he was tall, had his sunglasses on and boy was he cute.  Once that couple left, he jumped right up and snatched the bench, plenty of room for one more person so I went ahead and gathered my stuff and sat down. I think I smiled, I think he smiled, we said hello, or some sort of greeting. From that point to the end of our talk, I don't remember much. We covered a lot about what we were doing, what we do, where we were from, etc. It was just nice.  

I proceeded outside and surveyed the scene. There were people sitting on the bench in the shade so I had a seat on the curb that was a short distance behind the bench.  As I prepared to take my seat my attention was diverted to a beautiful young women sitting on the curb by herself.  Soon after I sat down I noticed that the individuals on the bench were gone. The curb her and I were sitting on was in the direct Dallas morning sunlight and it was beginning to get warm.  So I got up and moved to the bench.  I'm not sure why (I would imagine it was because she was hot too) but no sooner had I sat down on the bench when the young women got up and had herself a seat on the bench as well.  I'm not sure who said hello first but it was definitely exchanged in some form or fashion, Hi, hello, hey, how are you?...one of those polite greetings.  The greeting turned in to a great conversation.  I don't remember many specifics about the conversation. General details for sure. I do remember we covered a lot of ground though.

I think he realized he needed to get inside and pretty quick, we had been caught in conversation and I think neither of us realized how long we had been talking. He said some stuff about safe trip, have fun, etc. As he started to walk away, it seemed like he back tracked and well, asked for my number. I got a little giddy and maybe said something like 'Um, sure' with a big smile. Well I gave him mine and he told me his and his name.  We parted ways. There was this weird feeling that I should have followed him, just walked with him to his gate and continued the talk that seemed to have both of us so intrigued. I didn't. As soon as I loaded up my stuff and got inside I sent a message to my best friend, Alicia. I told her I had met a guy, talked for quite a while and gave him my number. She chatted right away...what have I told you, give out a fake number. We continued to chat about how cute he was and probably some of our talk. She laughed at me. I got a text, it was him, telling me again to have a great trip. That is where the texting began and they haven't stopped since. 

The time had come (unfortunately) for me to head back inside to catch my flight. I had one problem with that. I was enjoying a conversation with a women I had to know more about. I remember not wanting the conversation to end. I had found someone special. I knew that right away. The way she talked about life, her family, the simplicity of it all. I was beyond intrigued to say the least.  I got up from my seat, summoned a lot of courage and said something to the effect of..."I know we live worlds apart as far as distance goes but I was wondering if I could get your number, I would really like to get to know you more?" She said yes! Saying I was happy is probably an understatement. We exchanged numbers and goodbyes.  I didn't know what I had found at that moment. What I did know was that I had met someone and I had to know more. I sent a text before boarding my plane to thank her for the conversation and to let her know that it was a pleasure meeting her. I received a similar text in reply, boarded my plane and headed home looking forward to the next time I would talk with Darcey. We would and did talk again.  

I remember sitting on the plane, from Dallas to Seattle, trying to make sure I remembered him, our talk, what made me smile, what amazed me about this man.  That moment and the feelings were enough to just stick. The details didn't matter too much. I knew that maybe one day, we would talk about all of it again, or at least I hoped we would. We seemed to have so much in common and there was just something about how easily we just talked and talked that amazed me, that for the first time, felt genuine and comforting with a man. It was refreshing to feel that and with someone I didn't know at all made it even more exciting. I was so glad he asked, I was so glad I gave him my number...not a fake one. I was pretty sure that this could grow into something more. It wasn't just those giddy, someone flirted with me sort of things. It wasn't flirting, it was just what we both needed. It was good.

It's been almost a year since that wonderful morning on the bench outside Terminal C at DFW.  Darcey and I have been successfully navigating a long distance relationship since then.  We are now engaged and are planning a wedding for June 2013.  I guess it just goes to show that sometimes the best things come when least expected.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Dream Comes True

I went to the Phoenix Suns game tonight (12/3/10) with the friend I have who works for the Suns. It was just like any other Suns game I have been to recently. Free tickets, great seats, great company, etc. The Suns won the game and we headed to my friends office to retrieve our coats and begin the journey home. My friend however was looking for a fellow co worker because it was this co workers last day and she had a gift to give her. This is where the dream comes true part happens.

I was told by my friend that she needed to head down to the court because that was where her co worker was. She asked if I wanted to come and of course I said yes. We took the courtside seat ticket holders special tunnel down to the court. This isn't the actual court. This is the place the tunnel leads to that all the players and courtside seat ticket holders walk through at halftime and after the game. I was then lead through the tunnel to the court. I was able to walk on to the court get some pictures taken and I of course jumped up and grabbed the rim just so I could say I did it. The highlight of the on court experience was Bailee and my friends son having a race from one baseline to the other baseline (it was a tie).

We then went back through the tunnel to meet up with the co worker my friend was trying to find. As they were talking the Suns players were slowly making their way to their cars that were parked in the under ground lot which is part of the arena. Chase (my friends son) and Bailee were asked if they would like to give high 5's to the players, they both said yes. So one by one as the players were coming out and walking our way the security guard the players all knew would give them some dap and then tell them they had a couple little ones waiting for high 5's. This is something Chase and his mom (my friend) have experienced quite often. It was obviously new for Bailee and me.

First Earl Clark came out and Bailee was instantly shy hiding behind her Dad. Then Hedo Turkoglu came by and Bailee again hid behind me. So Hedo stepped closer to me and started playing what could be called peek a boo with Bailee trying to get her to come out from behind me. No such luck. Then he reached out and shook my hand said thanks for coming, I said great game, thank you (trying not to drool) and he went on his way. The next guy that came out was Channing Frye and Chase gave him a high five and he said oww! Hearing this, Bailee was suddenly interested in giving high fives because she wanted to make them say oww too. Jared Dudley came next (my personal favorite Suns player) gave Bailee a high five and then proceeded to introduce his 2 or so year old daughter to Bailee. Suddenly Lute Olson appeared (legendary coach of the UofA Wildcats basketball team) he was super nice. The last two players we saw were Jason Richardson and Grant Hill. Bailee gave Grant Hill a high 5 and slightly missed his hand but instead of just being done with it Grant said something like, oh wait we have to do that again you got to hit the whole hand, and on the second try she did.

This was all happening in front of me as I was trying to contain my emotions and drool. Really a once in a lifetime type experience. Something I will be able to share with Bailee when she is older. A Dream Come True if you will!


Friday, October 22, 2010

My Family Story...A tribute to Mom...

I would like to share my families story with you. So sit back, prepare yourself for some reading and enjoy.

I am the youngest of 5 biological children. I could have been the 4th but I've been told my twin bother gave me a solid straight arm because he wanted out first! I say youngest of 5 biological children, but in reality I am a middle child. I became a middle child after my family adopted 3 girls in a 2-4 year span beginning when i was 10. After the completion of the final adoption our number stood at 8. 4 boys and 4 girls. We were/are a loud bunch. We like to call it Saxton loud. Try rolling 10 deep (don't forget mom and dad) in to the local McDonald's without being noticed. You can't! It was always an adventure when we went out.

What I haven't told you is that my biological sister has Downs Syndrome. 2 of my adopted sisters also have Downs Syndrome and the 3rd adopted sister has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and here's how that all came about. Having only 1 little girl my mom got the itch for another one when I was 10. As the story goes... she wanted another little girl so my biological sister would have a sister to hang out with. My parents contacted the adoption agency, went through the paper work process, and 9 months later they were contacted about a newborn baby girl who needed a home. A newborn baby girl who just happened to have Downs Syndrome. She was under a month old when we took her home. This made her 12 years younger than my biological sister Tanya.

Soon realizing that the age difference between Tanya and Lisa wouldn't provide an immediate interactive sister relationship my mother got the urge to adopt another girl. Only two real criteria this time. Closer in age to Tanya and she had to have a mental disability. If you are not seeing the complete picture here let me take a moment to give it to you. Having a biological child with Downs Syndrome anyone who is close to our mom knows she had a special place in her heart for these children and a purpose given to her by God to take care of them in any way she could. So the search begin and this is actually how it happened. My parents or mother (not sure) were looking through the San Jose Mercury Newspaper for no particular reason and stumbled upon the Foster child of the month or week. A 12 year old girl named Evette who had lost her mother and been in foster care for some time. Evette also had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome due to an a mother who used drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. We all went to meet Evette as a family and my parents were lead to begin the adoption process. We would soon call Evette sister as well.

Now I'm not sure how long it was after my parents adopted Evette that we then adopted Anna, but that really doesn't matter. My parents weren't actually looking to adopt anymore when one day they were contacted by the adoption agency about a baby girl who had Downs Syndrome and needed a home. Having a great affection for children with any Syndrome my parents decided to go meet this little baby girl and they brought us along with them. It was instant love. In fact the story my mom shares is that myself and Kevin told my parents that if we didn't adopt Anna we would never speak to them again! My parents almost immediately begin the adoption process for Anna and soon we would bring home the final addition to our family. Anna was only an infant when we did bring her home. So that's how 7 became 10 (again don't forget mom and dad in the total number!)

As for the biological children there is Brian the oldest brother, next in line is Eric, then comes Tanya, and My twin brother Kevin and I round out the 5. We really aren't the focus of this so let's move on.

Tanya is the oldest girl and is 3rd in the pecking order as far as age goes. She is not afraid to let anyone know that she is older then myself and Kevin as well as her sisters. Tanya is what I would call the most adult out of any of my sisters. She knows how old she is and she knows what that means and finds it more than easy to insert herself in to conversations she wants to be involved in. Tanya is one of the most loving, caring individuals you will ever meet. I'm pretty sure there isn't a mean bone in her body. She loves her mom, sisters, brothers, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends with an unconditional love only God could provide and a kind of love that most of the world should envy.

Evette is the most shy out of all my sisters. A rough childhood, a cleft pallet, and trachea scar added to this. Evette is also the greatest success story of all my sisters. A girl who would speak very little and show little affection towards others when she first joined or family has turned in to a women who will give anyone a hug and talk your ear off if you let her. One of the best listeners I know as well. My Uncle Jim (a talker himself) would proudly testify to this! I believe that this turnaround happened not only because of the love our family showed her but mainly because of the continuous love that my mother showed her even during the most difficult times. Having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and not Downs Syndrome makes Evette completely aware of who she is and she sometimes struggles with that. It took a little while for my mother to figure out how to deal with this but in the end she realized that love was the answer (along with what I like to call a little corrective action).

The easiest way to describe Lisa is as a self proclaimed princess. A women who carries her head high, knows she is beautiful, dances better than most, always gets the shotgun seat in the car and never uses a napkin (that would not be princess like!). Lisa is easily embarrassed especially when the conversation turns to boys. Most days you will find Lisa perched on her chair with everything she needs surrounding her. Books, pens, coloring materials, a drink and the TV. Lisa and Tanya are both extremely impressive when it comes to keeping up on what's cool in the music and TV world.

Anna is the most low functioning of all my sisters. I say that with caution though. Anna has Downs Syndrome but we believe she is Autistic as well. She loves to be in her room (her own world) playing the keyboard, watching a video, or playing with any other toy that she has. Anna often surprises you with how alert and receptive to information she is. On the outside it appears there isn't much going on but you would be remiss if you believed this. She captures everything around her and understands the world around her for the most part. In most instances she is just unable to communicate that understanding to anyone. Anna is all about routine. When the routine gets interrupted things can get difficult. Thankfully the Lord has given my Mother, Evette (Anna's biggest helper other than Mom) and in some cases Tanya and Lisa the ability to discern what part of the routine has been interrupted so they can correct it. Anna also loves to be physical in a Karate, Taebo kind of way. She is deceptively strong and you must be careful if you choose to get in to it with her.

The most valuable player in all of this is Mom. A women who decided a long time ago that her families needs would be put in front of hers for her whole life. All 4 of my sisters still live with my mom. I'm not sure how she does it because I know I couldn't. Actually I do know. God has a purpose for all of us and His purpose for my mom was to care for and love these girls. My mom will be the first to tell you that it hasn't been easy and she isn't perfect but she will also be the first to tell you that she wouldn't change a thing. The love she gives to these girls is returned tenfold by them. My mother is the greatest role model I have and if I can be half the parent she is I would be more than successful. Thank you Mom for all you have done and continue to do. Everyone you know would testify to this...you have one of the biggest hearts ever created and our family is and continues to be blessed by it. I'm sure I speak for all your children when I say We Love You.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's a difficult thing...

It's a difficult thing to to discover and realize things about yourself that aren't pleasant. To finally come to grips with who you really have been over the years. Especially if the person you've been wasn't a pleasant one. To be brought to a place so low and dark that it's hard to see the light at the top. This can be even more difficult if it was you who brought you to this point. Well, that's where I'm at.

For so many years I did what I wanted to do with no thought about who I was hurting or where the path I was on, was taking me. Unfortunately for me that path lead to where I am today. Alone and searching for answers.

We probably all define happiness a little differently. I like to think of it as something that will fill the void in your life. Whatever that void may be. I know that God will fill that void and give us peace, joy and hope and that no matter where our lives take us, or what situations we find ourselves in, if we are walking with Him, we will have the peace, joy and hope He provides. For most of my life I ignored that promise He gives us. Instead I tried to find happiness on my own in all the wrong areas. Then I would take His forgiveness for granted when I felt convicted about what I was doing. I would pray for forgiveness and almost immediately turn back to finding happiness any where but in Him. Over and over again I would do this.
Being brought to the place I am at now is unfortunate but at the same time I must praise the Lord for these circumstances. He has a lesson for me to learn. He wants to see me change, grow and learn from all of this. A few weeks ago I was sitting and reflecting on where I am at today. During this reflection I realized that (even after all that I've been through in the past year or so and more importantly the past couple of months) I was still searching for happiness in all the wrong areas. All the areas that brought me to where I am today. That's when a bible verse I had heard or read before struck a cord within my heart.

1 Timothy 1:14-16 says "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworhty saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life."

God has poured His grace out on me abundantly. I am a sinner of the worst kind. God has shown me His mercy over and over again so that I may be an example to those who don't believe and I have taken that grace and mercy for granted over and over again. In the grand scheme of things what matters is that we realize when we sin, we sin against God himself. Sin is direct disobedience to God. In doing so we disrupt the communication line between ourselves and Him. The only way to get that communication line open is to repent and ask God for forgiveness. So often when we ask for forgiveness we ask because our sin may have hurt someone. But God wants us to ask for forgiveness because we hurt Him by being disobedient. Then and only then can we be taken to a place of healing, change, growth, learning and hope. That's where I went wrong so many times. I wanted forgiveness but I wanted it on my terms. I never thought about what it meant to sin against God until now. I never bothered to ask God for forgiveness because I sinned against Him.

It's a difficult thing to realize all of this and it can be an even more difficult thing to begin to make the changes needed to find the peace, joy, and hope God promises. The good news is I am done running in the wrong direction. The climb up to the top isn't going to be easy and I know I will fall. The difference is my eyes are fixed on the Lord now and even when I fall I will look back to Him, repent for sinning against Him and then I will continue my climb with Him, and here's why....IT'S A WONDERFUL THING to know there is HOPE in our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Trip

The morning of July 24 started out like few mornings before it. Bailee and I were headed to Fresno and Christina was flying to New Orleans. The plan was to be up at 4:45am so we could leave the house by 5:15 to get Christina to the airport by 6:00. The previous night was spent packing, doing laundry, loading the car and anything else you could think of to get ready for the next days trip. Bedtime came and went right on by with the adults finally retiring sometime after midnight. It's safe to say that neither Christina or I woke up to our alarm clocks. Instead I was awakened by, "Karl get up it's 5:15". Sparing you the details we quickly dressed and headed for the airport (good thing showers and loading the car was all done the night before). Christina arrived on time for her flight, Bailee and I said our goodbyes to her and then we headed out.

Our first stop was Wal Mart in Goodyear. If this 10 hour car ride was going to be successful I had to get Bailee a pair of headphones for the DVD player we borrowed for the trip. Wal Mart was a bit of a journey in and of itself. Bailee wanted the red $20 headphones but I was able to convince her that the $5 dollar silver ones were better. We paid the man and headed for the exit. Apparently I went the wrong way though because this Wal Mart had an arcade with a claw machine (the ones you can snatch stuff out of with the claw) and we walked right by it. Bailee knows Dad is pretty good with those so of course she persuaded me to give it a try. After only $2 dollars spent we walked away with a stuffed Gingerbread man. The one from the Shrek movies. Bailee then turned down Breakfast at McDonald's, so we headed back to the car. We were quickly settled in and ready to begin our journey. Official trip start time was 7:00 am.

Kids are great. Bailee had turned down breakfast but after only a few minutes in the car she decided she was hungry (so was dad). Our next stop was only a few miles down the road from Wal Mart at a Burger King for a very unhealthy breakfast. The food was passed out to the respective parties and we were once again on our way. We managed to make it to Quartzite by 9:00. This was a much needed stop. About a half hour earlier in the middle of nowhere I was told by the passenger in the back seat that she needed to go to the bathroom. I informed her there was nowhere to go and she would have to wait. She then informed me that if she couldn't wait we could just pull over and she would go by the car! Love it. The stop in Quartzite was uneventful except for the Dark Chocolate Reeses Cup Bailee picked out for a snack. I know, it's 9:30am and she's having a candy bar for a snack. Normally I wouldn't go for that but we were on vacation. About 15 minutes down the road after we left Quartzite I had a 4 year old passenger with a face full of chocolate. Napkins were dished out, chocolate was cleaned up and Daddy and Daughter were well on their way to Grandma's house. This chocolate mess was around the same time that we crossed over in to California.

The next hour or so passed in relative silence. Bailee was watching a movie and I was grooving to my tunes. We managed to make it to the Palm Springs area around 10:30. I could tell my little one was getting sleepy so I encouraged her to rest her eyes for a bit. Not 15 minutes later she was out cold. This was good. If you ever have a kid on a long road trip and they fall asleep my recommendation is to drive. Just drive and drive and drive until the wake up. Don't stop for anything even the bathroom. I had 2 hours of silence. She fell asleep in Palm Springs and woke up right as we were pulling in to Kramer Junction. Kramer Junction is a tiny little truck stop where Highway 58 or 56 meets highway 395 just outside of Victorville. This was a welcomed stop. About an hour earlier I begin to have that "I have to pee" feeling. We stopped at Burger King (the only restaurant there) for a restroom break and possibly lunch. I should have taken the parking lot being overcrowded as a sign. We walked in to BK and the line to order was about 20 deep. I consulted Bailee on what we should do. Go to the bathroom and eat here or go to the bathroom, drive another 45 min to Tehachapi and eat there. Bailee liked the idea of driving to Tehachapi so we were back in the car and headed out. We left that BK around 12:45.

By the time we arrived in Tehachapi at 1:45 we had been on the road for about 7 hours with absolutely no complaints from Bailee. She was hungry, I was hungry and I could tell we both needed a break from the car. Thank God for McDonald's play areas. The one we stopped at had the biggest play area I have ever seen. Two giant slides with tunnels winding all through out the rafters above the eating area. Needless to say Bailee had a blast. We were both re energized and ready to push on through with the final 3 or so hours of our trip. We left Tehachapi at 2:30.

When you head out of Tehachapi and are headed to Bakersfield you have to go down the mountain. It is a really pretty part of the drive. We had already seen 3-4 trains during our trip. As we were coming down the mountain I noticed the train tunnels in the side of the mountain. I quickly got Bailees attention and explained what the tunnels were for and how they were made. Bailee loves trains so I thought this would be exciting for her to know. Nope! Apparently the Backyardigans had taken priority and she was pretty much uninterested in the knowledge that Dad was giving her. Bakersfield was in view and that meant only a couple more hours until Grandmas house.

We hooked up with highway 99 in Bakersfield and were ready for the home stretch. The 99 is the highway that runs up through Central California. Or what I call the arm pit of California. No disrespect intended. (There is a reason why I call it this.) I placed a call to Grandma to let her know where we were and that our anticipated arrival time would be around 5:00pm. About a half hour after that call I received a message from my passenger in the back. Someone needed another restroom break. I could tell she was starting to wear down and wanted to get to Grandmas as quickly as possible. With that said I stopped at the first exit I found with a gas station.
Here comes the part where I tell you why I call it the arm pit of California. We pulled in to the gas station and I warned Bailee that it was going to smell bad outside (I am lucky in that the smell doesn't bother me). Central California's secret from the outsiders is that it is lined with dairy farms. That means thousands possibly millions of cattle reside there. We are not talking about grazing cattle either. These cows are kept in large pens without a grazing option. Think about cows for a minute. Multiple stomachs, chewing their cud for digestion purposes and then pretty much living in whatever comes out the other end!
As we stepped out of the car Bailee was taken back by the smell. I have to admit that it was worse than I had ever experienced. So much worse that I actually checked the bottom of both my shoes to ensure I had not stepped in any crap over the past 8 or 9 hours while driving the car!!! We were at a Texaco that I'm sure was not keeping itself up to sanitary code. The bathroom was outside and the barely alive dog sitting outside should have been my 3rd or 4th sign that this was not a good place to stop. The 1st sign was me checking my shoes for crap almost immediately after getting out of the car. We entered the bathroom and there were flies everywhere. Quick U-turn, faster walk, and we were back in the car looking for another place to stop.
We eventually found a nice Shell gas station that was clean with restrooms inside. We grabbed one last snack, relieved ourselves and got back on the road. Needless to say our arrival time of 5:00pm was now in jeopardy. I was pointing out the dairy farms to Bailee and telling her how they made milk. This led to Bailee asking me if mommies had utters on their boobies like cows. Then we talked about silos and what they do. She was very interested in both of these. I think that's because she was at the point where she would do anything to keep herself entertained while we finished the trip.
About 30 minutes outside of Grandmas I saw two cars with personalized plates. One a Mercedes with a Colorado plate that read "1FITMOM". I gave her a thumbs up as I passed by her. The next was a white Scion with a Nevada plate that read "GRUVGIRL". It wasn't so much the personalized plates that intrigued me but that I saw 2 out of states plates only 30 minutes or so away from Grandmas. It also reminded me of the coolest personalized plate I have ever seen. Only a couple of weeks prior to the trip I was driving home from work when a blond ponytail in a convertible Mustang passed by me. The license plate read "IMDORKY". Best plate ever. If "IMADORK" is still available in Arizona I am going to snatch it up.

During all of this Bailee was showing signs of being done with the car. I turned to Miley Cyrus and the HoeDown ThrowDown. This is a line dance song. It's actually pretty catchy. There are parts in the song that say do the hoedown three times in a row with a brief pause in between. During those pauses Bailee would yell at the top of her lungs HOEDOWN and I would act scared. This made her quite happy. It got to the point that she was laughing so hard at my reactions she couldn't say HOEDOWN. The song is only a few minutes long and this lasted for about 20 minutes until I finally had to cut it off because there were a lot of cops and daddy had to concentrate on the road!!! At least that's what I told her.

We were finally only a few minutes from Grandmas house and Bailee had been playing quietly since our HoeDown ThrowDown escapade. Wouldn't you know it. I missed the exit. I was jotting down a quick thought about our trip and blew right by it. This did not make Bailee to happy. Luckily Grandma is the last exit before the freeway ends so we went a short distance down the road and made a U-turn. We were in Grandmas neighborhood. One more wrong turn (a right when it should have been a left) and we were at Grandmas. We had made it. Arrival time 5:45. A week of fun was awaiting us and we were both looking forward to it.